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Welcome to Red Thread Maps. I'm Hendrika, the artist, and lucky mom to my twin daughters from China, who are my inspiration.
My map project began as a labor of love for my twin daughters, to show them where they are from; their beautiful homeland; and has blossomed into so much more. After creating their map, I was so delighted with it I knew I had to do more; and my daughters love it and are proud to point to their hometown. My maps are intended to show the general locations of orphanages that participate in international adoptions. The map base is hand-rendered by me in good ole' fashioned ink. I then edit the drawings digitally. The original maps and prints are large, sharp and clear, and truly beautiful. At least 100-200 hours of work goes into each original map.
I hope you enjoy the maps - looking at them and finding your child's orphanage or hometown. For more details on how to order them, and how to have one personalized especially for your children, please visit the 'How to Order' and 'Personalize your Map' pages. I take pride in designing a work of art for you and your children to cherish for years to come. Please feel free to contact me with any special requests.
kids pic
map artwork closeup
More countries and provinces are now available and I continue to add more regularly. My work is now also available on giclee canvas and fine art prints in a variety of styles - for more details click here or visit the links on the left.

Kindest regards always,


My contact information:
My other website for gifts and keepsakes for adoptive families:
Fax: 877-378-9258
Now on Facebook:  Redthreadmaps on Facebook
Chinese Zodiac Gifts
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