Notice: My maps are intended
to show the general locations of orphanages
that participate in international adoptions.
They are hand-rendered, and cannot be
considered to be to scale, and many elements
have been estimated. As with any project of
this magnitude, it is always possible that
there may be errors or omissions. If you
become aware of any, please contact me by
The other cities/towns shown on the maps are those of my choosing; selected either because of high populations, or because of their relative locations to the orphanages, or for other reasons, such as requests from adoptive families. These maps are 'living documents' that will evolve over time as more information is obtained. As more orphanages participate in international adoptions, newer versions of the maps will be made available. These maps are works of art and not to be used for navigation or any commercial purposes whatsoever and may not be pulished on any website, blog, listserve, etc. without my express written permission - see copyright notice. Full listings of orphanages included on the maps can be viewed by visiting 'The Orphanages' link on the left.